Pharmacy Evaluating Exam Preparation

Pharmacy Evaluating Exam Preparation – Question Set #8

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By Dhruv Mangukia

Welcome back to yet another interesting and intriguing set of Pharmacy Evaluating Exam Preparation questions. As always, this set too is written with a reading time of 10 to 15 minutes.

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Pharmacy Evaluating Exam Preparation – Question Set #8

Question 1: Which of the following drugs causes respiratory acidosis?

A. Morphine
B. Sildenafil
C. Isoprostol
D. Colchicine
E. Amphetamine
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Answer: A

Any drug that reduces breathing rate or slows down breathing causes accumulation of CO2. This causes respiratory depression.

Question 2: Which of the following is an obligate intracellular bacteria making it resistant to cell wall active antibiotics?

A. Listeria monocytogenes
B. Streptococcus pneumoniae
C. Chlamydophila pneumoniae
D. Clostridium perfringens
E. Enterococcus faecalis
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Answer: C

Question 3: JT is 29 year old female. JT is taking Clozapine to manage her schizophrenia symptoms. Also, JT smokes more than 1 pack of cigarettes per day. JT is actively seeking some help to quit her smoking addiction. What is the pharmacist’s recommendation?

A. Vernaciline
B. Nicotine Replacement Therapy
C. Bupropion
D. Buspirone
E. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
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Answer: B

  • For 10 or less cigarettes per day – Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
  • For more than 10 cigarettes – Nicotine Replacement Therapy
    • Add prescription drugs if required.
  • Bupropion is contraindicated in psychosis. Vernaciline can be used

Question 3: For Dorzolamide, a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, which of the following statements is correct?

A. Used as a lubricant in topical decongestant
B. Increases the formation of aqueous humor
C. Inhibits the conversion of Angiotensin I to Angiotensisn II
D. Decreases the formation of aqueous humor
E. Increases the outflow of aqueous humor
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Answer: D

Question 4: JT is a 29 year old female. She is prescribed isotretinoin by her dermatologist. Which of the following tests would the pharmacist recommend JT to do after 1 month of taking Isotretinoin?

A. Kidney function test
C. Haemoglobin
D. Kidney function test
E. Liver function test
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Answer: E

Question 5: JA patient comes to the pharmacy asking for a test for strep sore throat. After testing, it was found that he did not have it. He asks the pharmacist to check again because he thinks that he has the infection. What is he suspecting?

A. False positive
B. False negative
C. Viral infection
D. Allergy
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Answer: B

Question 6: JT is taking Paroxetine for her depression. Her doctor wants to switch her from Paroxxetine to Venlafaxine. Which of the following options is correct?

A. No need to washout while changing from SSRI to SNRI
B. Taper Paroxetine for 7 days and then start Venlafaxine
C. Wash out Paroxetine for 5 days and then start Venlafaxine
D. Wash out Paroxetine for 2 weeks and then start
E. Taper Paroxetine for 2 weeks and then start Venlafaxine
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Answer: A

Since cross-tapering is not given in the option, we chose the next answer from the given options.


To simplify the guidelines, just remember the 2 points mentioned below

  • Washout needs to be done if either of the drugs is MAO inhibitor
  • Use Crosstaper for remaining drugs

Question 7: Which sphincter transfers chyme from the stomach to the duodenum?

A. Upper esophageal sphincter
B. Lower esophageal sphincter
C. Pyloric sphincter
D. Sphincter of oddi
E. Ileocecal sphincter
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Answer: C

Upper Esophageal Sphincter (UES)Junction of the pharynx and the esophagusPrevents air from entering the esophagus during breathing and backflow of food
Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES)Junction of the esophagus and the stomachPrevents reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus
Pyloric SphincterBetween the stomach and the duodenumRegulates passage of chyme from stomach to duodenum and prevents backflow
Sphincter of OddiJunction of the bile duct and pancreatic duct with the duodenumControls flow of bile and pancreatic juice into the duodenum
Ileocecal Valve (Sphincter)Between the ileum and the cecumPrevents backflow of contents from large intestine to small intestine, regulates flow
Internal Anal SphincterUpper part of the anal canalInvoluntarily controls release of feces from the rectum
External Anal SphincterSurrounding the outside of the anal canalVoluntarily controls release of feces from the rectum
Table: Sphincters of GIT, their location and function

Question 8: A 67-year-old patient with angina, uncontrolled hypertension, and uncontrolled diabetes. His HbA1c is 8%. He is taking metformin for diabetes and ACE inhibitor for hypertension. His heart rate is 62. Based on the given information, answer the following questions.

Question 8.1: Which of the following should be added to Metformin to control his diabetes?

A. Glyburide
B. Pioglitazone
C. Empagliflozin
D. Semaglutide
E. Linagliptin
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Answer: C

SGLT2 inhibitors like Empagliflozin reduce hospitalization, reduce the risk of cardiovascular events, and reduces mortality.

Question 8.2: What to give him to control his hypertension?

A. Losartan
B. Captopil
C. Nifedipine
D. Carvedilol
E. Furosemide
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Answer: C

The patient’s heart rate is 62. Giving this person Carvedilol increases the risk of bradycardia. Hence, Nifedipine XL is the right option in this case.

Question 8.3: This patient is also drinking grapefruit juice every morning. Which of the following medications should get your attention?

A. Pravastatin qhs
B. Donepezil
C. Nifedipinde qam
D. Codeine
E. Clopidogrel
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Answer: C

Nifedipine is a substrate of CYP3A4 while grapefruit juice is an inhibitor.

Question 9: JT is a 54-year-old male patient who is taking nitrates. Which of the following medications is contraindicated for JT?

A. Tadalafil
B. Clopidogrel
C. Codeine
D. Acetaminophen
E. Ibuprofen
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Answer: A

Reason: Both cause vasodilation which imposes a risk of severe hypotension

Question 10: A woman just had a baby 4 weeks ago and came to the pharmacy saying she is crying all day and tired all the time. What should be the pharmacist’s response?

A. All moms are like that
B. It's only like that in the beginning.
C. Once your baby gets some sleep, it will be better
C. Try to get some sleep when your baby sleeps because these are the symptoms of you just being tired
D. Check with your doctor because it might be post partum depression
E. Tell her it's normal to feel this way after having a baby and it will pass with time.
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Answer: D

The symptoms described indicate postpartum depression which requires professional health care diagnosis and treatment. A pharmacist should encourage this person to seek professional help.

Question 11: Which of the following statements is correct about pyrogen?

A. Pyrogens are products of bacterial metabolism
B. Changes the physical appearance of the product
C. Pyrogen is a universal buffer
D. Pyrogen is added as a solubility enhancer
E. Pyrogen is added as a stability enhancer
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Answer: A

Sterility testing of pyrogen – LAL test, Rabbit pyrogen test, and Monocyte activation test

Question 12: If you are a patient and went to a doctor to prescribe morphine. According to the law, you should inform the doctor that you had a prescription before from another doctor for morphine for how many days?

A. 30 days
B. 60 days
C. 10 days
D. 15 days
E. 20 days
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Answer: A

  • Cannot write morphine prescription in 30 days.
  • Lost or stolen narcotics should be reported in 10 days from being made aware of

Question 13: The motor cortex is located in which part of the brain?

A. Parietal lobe
B. Frontal lobe
C. Occipital lobe
D. Temporal lobe
E. Insular lobe
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Answer: B

LobeLocationPrimary Functions
Frontal LobeFront of the brain, behind the foreheadExecutive functions (planning, reasoning, decision-making), voluntary movement, personality expression
Parietal LobeTop and behind the frontal lobeSensory processing (touch, temperature, pressure, pain), spatial perception, navigation
Temporal LobeSides of the brain, near the earsAuditory processing, language comprehension, memory formation, emotional responses
Occipital LobeBack of the brainVisual processing, interpreting visual stimuli, recognizing shapes, colors, and motion
Insular Lobe (Insula)Deep within the lateral sulcus (groove separating temporal and frontal/parietal lobes)Emotional processing, empathy, taste perception, autonomic functions (heart rate, breathing)
Table: Lobes of brain and functions

Question 14: A patient is taking insulin and gets hypoglycemia when he exercises. What is the pharmacist’s recommendation to this patient?

A. Take a bar of chocolate when you feel hypoglycemic
B. Take a light meal 2 hours before exercise
C. Take a snack after exercise
D. Refer to a doctor for further evaluation
E. Take a snack before the exercise
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Answer: E

Question 15: What is the systemic review the employer does to compare the expectations that was agreed upon?

A. Raise
B. Reference
C. Accomodation
D. Appraisal
E. Promotion
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Answer: D

Question 16: Which of the following statements is true for a prescription of testosterone?

A. Written prescription with no refills allowed
B. Written or verbal prescription with no refills allowed
C. Written or verbal prescription and refill should be with specific interval
D. Written or verbal and refill is allowed
E. No restriction on refill for verbal prescription
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Answer: C

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Question 17: What is the mechanism of action of Omeprazole?

A. Xanthine Ocidase inhibitor
B. H2 blocker
C. 5 alpha reductase II inhibitor
D. Irreversible inhibition of Hydrogen potassium ATPase pump
E. reversible inhibition of Hydrogen potassium ATPase pump
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Answer: D

Tip: These are the types of questions that are easy to get right, but also easy to get confused. Is the inhibition reversible or irreversible? Pay close attention to these aspects of a drug’s mechanism of action when you read the notes.

Question 18: Which of the following site for insulin administration is fast-acting?

A. Abdomen
B. Thigh
C. Upper arm
D. Lower back
E. Shoulder
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Answer: A

Question 19: JT is a 29-year-old female who just started taking antidepressants. She is otherwise a healthy female with no other medications on her profile. Based on the information given, answer the following question.

Question 19.1: She is complaining that she can t sleep and she is asking the pharmacist that when can she start sleeping?

A. 1 - 2 weeks
B. 2 - 4 weeks
C. 6 - 8 weeks
D. 2 - 5 days
E. Less than 24 hours
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Answer: A

Duration of treatmentOutcome
1 – 2 weeksEffect starts
2 – 4 weeksOptimum effect
6 – 8 weeksEvaluate treatment effectiveness to decide if a change in drug is required or not
Table: Antidepressants

Question 19.2: When should the efficacy of the antidepressant drug be evaluated?

A. 1 - 2 weeks
B. 2 - 4 weeks
C. 6 - 8 weeks
D. 2 - 5 days
E. Less than 24 hours
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Answer: C

Duration of treatmentOutcome
1 – 2 weeksEffect starts
2 – 4 weeksOptimum effect
6 – 8 weeksEvaluate treatment effectiveness to decide if a change in drug is required or not
Table: Antidepressants

Question 20: A patient with COPD is taking salbutamol and tiotropium. The patient is not feeling better. What to add?

A. Montelukast
B. Formoterol
C. Umecledinium
D. Ipratropium
E. Formoterol + ICS
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Answer: B

Simplified algorithm:

  • Start with SABA or SAMA
  • Montelukast is not used in COPD
  • ICS can be used with LAMA/LABA, but it is more effective with LABA

Above mentioned is a simplified version of the algorithm. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments section below

Question 21: In which of the following infections, the whole house needs to be treated?

A. Lice
B. Threadworm
C. Round worm
D. Pinworm
E. Filariasis
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Answer: D

Whole house needs to be treated for pinworm and scabies.

Question 22: Which of the following statements is true regarding half-life?

A. The half-life is the time it takes for the drug to be completely eliminated from the body.
B. The half-life is the time it takes for the drug concentration to reduce by half in the bloodstream.
C. The half-life is dependent on the frequency of drug administration.
D. The half-life can be altered by changing the dose of the drug.
E. The half-life is the time it takes for the drug to reach its peak concentration.
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Answer: B

Whole house needs to be treated for pinworm and scabies.

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